Barbershop Blog
March 12, 2024
Blowout hairstyles have become one of the trendiest looks for men with curly hair and likely because they are a great way to show off natural texture and curls. In this article we will look at the roots of the hairstyle in New York and the iconic 'Brooklyn Fade' and then outline some other trending variations like a low fade with blowout or a low taper with blowout. We will conclude with some styling tips and include some photos for your reference too.

What Is A Blowout Hairstyle For Men
And Why Does A Blowout Hairstyle Work So Well For Men With Curly Hair?
A blowout hairstyle is a type of haircut where the hair on the top of the head is left rather long with shorter blends down around the natural hairline. The name 'blowout' simply stems from the art of blowdrying the longer locks of hair for styling. It’s an excellent group of hairstyles for men with curly hair and a great way to show off natural texture and curls while also providing a clean and fresh appearance too.

The Roots Of The Blowout Men's Hairstyle
The blowout hairstyle was first popularised by ethnic Americans and predominantly in African American barbershops of New York City, hence why the term ‘Brooklyn Fade’ was coined and why it is widely used to describe a taper fade or temple fade hairstyle today.

Trending Blowout Taper / Fade Hairstyles
Low Taper With Blowout
We'll start this section with the low taper and blowout curls up top. With this haircut you have a little taper cut at the temple and nape of the neck and then lots of longer locks or a nest of curls up top. A fantastic, stylish and trendy haircut for men with thick curly hair.

Low Taper Fade With Blowout
This particular haircut has many names and depending on where you are and who you're asking, it may be referred to as a taper fade, temple fade, temp fade or a Brooklyn fade. For this hairstyle you have a fade cut at the temple and again at the nape of the neck, then the blowout top.
The 'low taper fade' differs from the 'low taper' in that the 'taper fade' is a shorter cut, it blends to the skin above the natural hairline, shifting the hairline above it's natural position.

Mid Taper Fade With Blowout
This one is your classic afro 'temp fade' or 'Brooklyn fade', where the fade at the temple is cut a little higher up - a mid taper fade with blowout. Note the boxed up fringe is very typical with this hairstyle too. An epic hairstyle for men with afro hair.

Low Fade With Blowout
Next we have a low fade with blow out and with this haircut the fade is cut all the way around the head and above the ears as well as the temples and nape of the neck. Another great style for curly or afro hair.

Blowout Taper With Pattern
The addition of a pattern cut into the taper is a very cool and trendy development and a haircut that is particularly popular for young men with curly hair.

Styling Tips For Men's Blowout Hairstyles
Curly hair is prone to frizz and can be hard to control at the best of times, so using good quality styling products is an absolute must. Shop with us at Barber Industries Fashion Spree for the best barbershop exclusive products and top notch advice too.
Our best piece of advice would be to talk to the barber when purchasing because each product is applied differently and provides different results.
To style the longer curls you won’t be looking for a typical pomade like other blokes, you'll be wanting a foam, styling powder, grooming spray or sea salt spray instead - a product that can accentuate your curls while helping to tame and control.

For a true blowout hairstyle, you'll need to use a blow dryer to 'blow out', but sometimes towel drying and scrunching provides better results, it all depends on the hair type and the desired look.
Either way use a pre-styler like American Crew Prep & Prime Tonic and apply onto damp (not wet) hair and then scrunch or blowdry to give your curls definition. Another great product option is American Crew Matte Spray Clay, which is applied using the same method.

What About Afro?
For afro hair, use a wide toothed comb or afro pick to remove knots and then a foam brush to shape up your style.

In today’s article we have a catch up with Hadi, the main man on the ground at the new Barber Industries Barbershop at Kellyville Grove. We have a quick Q&A to learn about the new barbershop and what keeps the fire burning for Hadi and his team of talented barbers.
Barber Industries is proud to announce the recent opening of our barbershop at the all new Kellyville Grove. Here we offer a modern day barbershop experience that has been honed from and is still heavily rooted in the old school classical barbershop vibe. Read on to learn about our concept, services, product range and fair dinkum prices.
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