Barbershop Blog
May 30, 2023
The old taper haircut is enjoying a particular moment of popularity right now. Maybe due to the versatility and stylishness or maybe as a counterculture to the endless fades and stereotypical razor short men's hairstyles. Either way, the trend is in motion and in this article we will discuss the taper, the new found popularity and what to ask your barber if you want to jump on the bandwagon.

What Is A Taper Haircut?
A taper haircut is basically any gradation of length from long to short, typically found at the sides and back of the head.
There is always a hairline just above the ear which defines a typical men's taper hairstyle. On the other hand, a fade haircut involves blending or seamlessly transitioning the hair to the skin, without any defined hairline except at the fringe.

Why The Popularity Of The Taper Haircut?
The taper is as old as the hills so why is this style of haircut coming back into vogue amongst the trend savvy men of Sydney?
We can only assume but jump to the conclusion that the popularity is driven by men who have grown tired of the typical fade hairstyles and are looking for something slightly fresh and a little different to the norms.

Which Taper Haircuts Are Trending?
A current trending haircut is a low taper that only comes slightly up from the temples and nape of the neck, giving way to longer lengths of hair up top.
This style combo is gaining in popularity and is an epic look for men with dense, dark, or curly hair. Additionally and popular with teenage boys and girls, is a pattern of line art that is cut into the taper from the nape of the neck.

What To Ask Your Barber?
When visiting the team here at Barber Industries Roselands, ask your barber about your options and the kind of taper hairstyle that will work with your hair length.
The taper is a very versatile haircut, so you can specify how short or long you would like the taper and how high up you'd like to go. A taper is a great choice if you want to opt for a longer type of men's hairstyle.