Barbershop Blog


April 13, 2022
There’s something slightly addictive and special about a fresh haircut, it’s kinda’ like buying a new outfit in a way. You’re excited to show it off to the world because you're upbeat about what it does for your appearance. Getting a fresh haircut has a range of hidden benefits and is the perfect form of self-care, let’s take a closer look at why a fresh haircut makes us feel so damn good!
Man with fresh haircut and beard trim at Barber Industries RhodesMan with fresh haircut and beard trim at Barber Industries RhodesMan with fresh haircut and beard trim at Barber Industries Rhodes

Because First Impressions Last

A fresh haircut makes you look presentable and adds an extra touch of polish to your personality and look. It’s a way of announcing your presence and making first impressions last. A fresh cut works in flow with your energy and ensures that you feel good about yourself when meeting people.

A Boost To Confidence And Self-Esteem

Changing things up with a hairstyle is a great way to boost confidence and when you feel good in a new haircut your self-esteem is instantly boosted as well. A new haircut also shows that you are not afraid of trying out new things and can be a way of getting out of your comfort zone. Whatever the scenario is, the main thing is that it makes you feel energised and fresh both on the inside and out!

Taking The Bull By The Horns

Choosing a fresh new haircut can provide us with a sense of control. It puts us squarely in the driver’s seat and can help us to influence certain other circumstances in our lives. In certain situations, a new hairstyle can be very liberating, providing us with a new version of self and new ways to present ourselves to the world.  

Your Turn To Amp It Up

If you’re looking for a way to amp up your appearance, then nothing can do it quite like a razor sharp haircut from our professional barbers. Get in seven days a week to see Sam and the team here at Barber Industries Rhodes Central.