Barbershop Blog


April 30, 2023

The iconic striped pole found outside many barbershops is a well-known motif. However, many of us may not know about its origin and symbolism. The pole is traditionally white with red and blue stripes, spinning away to catch people's attention. Read on if you have ever wondered how it came to be and what it actually means?

The iconic barbershop pole with white, red and blue stripes

To understand the origin of the pole, we need to go back to the Middle Ages. During this era, very few doctors or surgeons could be found and barbers actually functioned as groomers, surgeons and dentists. They carried out procedures such as leeching, lancing, bloodletting and tooth extraction. These were the days before hospitals, toothpaste and toothbrushes so you can only assume that business was booming.

At this point in history the typical tradesman at the barbershop was known as a ‘barber surgeon’.

One common practice for the barber surgeon was bloodletting. This involved the cutting open of a vein to allow blood to drain and this was seemingly a remedy for everything from a sore throat to the plague. The belief was that the body could be brought back into balance by releasing the bad blood. It is widely believed that the barber pole originated from the stick that the patients would hold onto to make their veins more visible and encourage blood flow for bloodletting procedure.

Barber Surgeon Performing Bloodletting Proceedure In 1800's Barbershop
Note the pole that the man clutches in his left hand during this bloodletting procedure in the 1800's

As for the colors red, white and blue, there are a couple of theories and some debate about the meaning. One argument is that red and white is symbolic of blood and bandages, blue the color of veins. Another that the colors were adopted as a way to signify the merger between medical and grooming services, the combination of colors used to identify the barbershops where surgery was practiced.

Thankfully the days of leeching, bloodletting and surgical services performed in barbershops are long gone.

The barber pole on the other hand, endures as an emblematic reminder of the fascinating history of the barbershop and a timeless and proud profession.