Barbershop Blog


August 4, 2020

This Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a whole array of change. There is a new normal and part of this is the overbearing presence of negativity. The daily news is like a prescription for depression. Keeping informed is important but too much of these negativities can be detrimental to your health. In the face of this, it is important to be grateful for the good things and to keep the positive vibes running high.

Sydney's Best Barbers Talk Covid-19 and finding the silver lining.
Choose to see the other side

In every darkness, there is a light, and whether you see it depends on you. While there are many things that are out of our control, there is still much that comes down to the power of choice. If there's one thing that you can do during this pandemic, it is to focus your energy and attention on things that will make the situation better.

More time for the people who matter

In the face of this pandemic, we’re spending more time at home to prevent the virus from spreading. Being cooped up in the house can be frustrating, even so, for a change in perspective, consider this as an extra opportunity to spend valuable time with your family or loved ones. Not everyone gets to spend time with their special people, and not everyone has others at home to keep them company. Be grateful that all of you are safe and together.

Start a new routine

Taking care of yourself should be your priority during these difficult times, and it should never be a cause of guilt. Be sure to keep your body healthy through regular exercise and your mind at peace by making time for activities that keep you happy and relaxed. If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, it can be an opportunity to start a new hobby or get back to an old one. You don't have to be productive all the time, start a new routine and include some down time for yourself.

Learn to strategise

Life is unpredictable, and a lot of people are losing their source of income. If you are one of the many that have lost their job, you can take this time to make a self-assessment and increase your skill level. It may seem daunting and finding a new direction can be hard but maybe you can use this unfortunate event as an opportunity to venture into a field more closer to your heart, using your hobbies and interests as inspiration is a great place to start. It could be a hard road ahead, but starting is better than not doing anything at all.

Seize the moment

Having the whole tribe in the house for extended periods of time can start to test relationships. Not to mention things like home schooling, throw that in the mix and it is no wonder some couples, and some parents and their kids clash more. These are testing times but you can always turn things around. Do your best to remain patient and consider introducing activities that can teach the importance of cooperation. Seize the moment and get everyone chipping in around the house.

Keep it fresh

Along with the health pandemic has come a pandemic of bad hairstyles and unkept beards. But fear not, we are considered an essential service and have remained open the whole time. We are a Covid Safe establishment and have the systems in place to keep both our staff and customers safe. Spare yourself the frustration of a DIY hack job, come in and see the team on level 2 in Roselands, we are open seven days and will keep you looking healthy, smart and sharp.

Final Thoughts

Challenges like this come and go in life, it’s up to you to look at things from a positive angle and to find the silver lining.

Stay confident, as long as you're healthy, safe, got a good haircut and are still breathing, you’re doing alright.